Odyssey Films Are Both Excited And Honoured To Tell Eva's Inspiring Story In Our Documentary, Butterfly Wings. We Are Committed To Tell Uplifting Stories Featuring Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Change
Eva is just one person. One person amongst billions, one person who felt called to make a difference and is now changing the world for the children of Nepal. However, Eva is no different from you and I.
‘I am a truly ordinary, middle-aged woman,’ Eva describes herself and laughs. ‘Rheumatic, asthmatic, deadly scared of snakes and heights. 'My ‘tiger mum’ instincts to protect those children still surprise me!’
After a fateful encounter in Sweden with Pema Dorjee, a Tibetan Lama who works for the Dalai Lama in the exile, Eva learned of the plight on the streets of Kathmandu and the rural areas of Nepal, where thousands of children are left homeless, neglected or snatched by human traffickers taking advantage of a developing world and natural disasters. She could not remain indifferent.
For the last nine years, Eva has provided a home and education for girls from pre-school age to teenagers, some of whom are already training to be doctors, nurses and midwives and who now want give back to their communities. She has re-settled many children back with their families or other relatives and provided sponsorship for education and health costs. She’s provided rural areas with livestock and water supplies, and helped re-build a school that was destroyed by the earthquakes of 2015. All in all Eva has touched and changed the futures of hundreds of children.
But there are still thousands of children living on the streets of Nepal and some say even thousands more girls are sold into prostitution. It seems like a fruitless battle but Eva shows that one person can make an enormous difference for the individual lives and future of these children and their children. She embodies a legacy that will ripple through time. Through her amazing compassion and selfless action, Eva teaches us that in order to create extraordinary change and make the world a better place, the only requirement is to have a truly open heart and enough courage to follow it.
Eva's story deserves to be told.
We will be filming in Nepal in October 2017 and are setting up a crowd-funding campaign with GoFundMe.com to help towards the cost. The campaign will be launched on September 2017.
By donating whatever you can to this project you are helping us tell Eva's story. The money will go towards equipment costs, travel costs and production logistics and anything leftover will go directly to Eva’s charity projects.
Most importantly, with your donation you will help us raise the profile of her work and expand her reach. There are still so many children who need help!
Our crowd funding campaign will go live on the 4th of September 2017 and will last until the 24th of September. If you feel called to be part of this project and in order to keep up to date with our news and be reminded when the GoFundMe campaign is launched, you can join our mail list by filling in the form below or like us and follow us on Facebook.
We are eternally grateful for any and all contributions.
Rory and Veronica
Odyssey Films Ltd
Find out more about Eva and Odyssey Films here
#butterflywings #societyforthestreetchildreninnepal #gayatrifund #odysseyfilms
Eva Holmberg-Tedert with some of the Gokarna girls in one of the homes she founded in 2011.